Paris on the Potomac with Karen Valentine, John Case
Talk radio with a Twist
All Day Radio:
It's Van Morrison Day
Progressive Rebel Radio, Talk, Stories, Science,Jazz, Blues and Bluegrass from the Red Caboose Studio in West Virginia
The Poetry show starts at 9:30 this morning instead of 10 AM.
Japanese poet Matsuo Basho created this poetic form in which a poet combines prose and haiku to create a prose poem. The prose poem typically describes a setting, scene, or moment in an objective manner and follows the standard formal considerations of haiku.
We were alone one night on a longroad in Montana. This was in winter, a bignight, far to the stars. We had hitched,my wife and I, and left our ride ata crossing to go on. Tired and cold—butbrave—we trudged along. This, we said,was our life, watched over, allowed to gowhere we wanted. We said we’d come back some timewhen we got rich. We’d leave the others and finda night like this, whatever we had to give,and no matter how far, to be so happy again.